santo gantry crane


Specialized metallurgical bridge crane in the steel production process can participate in a particular process operation

Specialized metallurgical  gantry crane  bridge crane with common basic structure similar to, but in lifting a small car is also equipped with a special working body or device. This crane is characterized by frequent use of the work, conditions, higher level work.

There are five types.
① casting crane: injecting molten metal mixer for lifting, lifting steel furnaces and continuous ingot steel injection equipment or ingot molds and other purposes. Main car lifting ladles, ladles, Vice car to flip and other auxiliary work.
② clamp crane: the use of high-temperature steel ingot clamp vertically lifted onto a soaking pit furnace, or put it out into the car shipped ingot.
③ off the ingot cranes: for the ingot from the ingot mold forced prolapse. Small car off the ingots have a special device, way off the ingot mold according to the shape of the ingot:Steel crane Some off the plunger pressed ingot ingot crane, lift the ingot mold with tongs; some with tongs pressed ingot mold, with the tweezers lift ingots.
④ charging crane: used in the open-hearth furnace charge added. Lord of the column with the bottom of the car to pick rod for stirring bins and place it into the furnace. The main column is rotatable about a vertical axis of rotation, pick rod can swing up and down and swing.hoist gantry crane Vice trolley for furnace repair and other auxiliary operations.
⑤ forging crane: with forging hydraulic press used with large workpieces. Main car hanging on a hook turn special feeder to support and flip the workpiece; Vice trolley for lifting workpieces.

