Compared with the international advanced level, the technological level of China's machinery products is relatively backward,Steel crane mainly in product reliability, the whole life, visual quality and information technology level, those gaps are concentrated reflection of the level of the underlying component technologies. China machinery parts manufacturing business has grown to thousands, but most low-tech products,overhead gantry crane can not enter the key components of the mainstream market. Expected future use of mechanical fasteners will show the following trends:
⑴ mechanical fastener enterprises cluster development will be presented. That is similar to the adjacent mechanical fastener business enterprises gather together to lead the local mechanical fasteners Association, through continuous innovation and competitive advantage. Clustered in the mechanical fastener products play an important role in the distinctive private SMEs, they rely on the leading enterprises for OEM production. And in the special areas of both competition and cooperation, and gradually form a chain.
⑵ mechanical fasteners variety of industry to develop and improve the performance expectations of the more urgent. With large-scale major technical equipment, parameter limits and require the development of more high temperature, high pressure and radiation-resistant, corrosion and other performance requirements of new varieties of fasteners.
⑶ information faster. With mechanical fastener enterprises to further expand the market competition in how to effectively use and manage enterprise-wide resource management thinking consequent emergence of corporate information through the ERP computer network systems for enterprise logistics,jib crane capital flow, information flow integration management, the core idea is to realize the "supply chain" tube Henan crushing mechanism. Real demand accurately grasp the pulse of the market and other functions, to support enterprise groups, cross-border operation, its main objective is to fully all aspects of enterprise resource allocation and balancing, suitable for global economic integration, diversification of customer needs, product life cycle shortened such a competitive market environment. This allows enterprises in the fierce competition in the market to play a full range of business potential, allowing companies to be able to achieve better economic efficiency.
⑷ people known mechanical parts industry leader in research and development efforts will increase. In the field of construction machinery, engineering machinery Industry Association and other industry organizations also intends to make the whole enterprise led the formation of several major technology alliances, technical research on key components.
⑸ national authorities to support efforts of spare parts will be gradually increased. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the latest documents show that more than 1.5 MW wind turbine gearbox bearings, generator bearings and spindle bearings, gears, yaw pitch hydraulic servo system and sealing systems, wind power tower with a large Specifications of high strength fasteners, leaf mold and the motor stator and rotor parts large precision stamping die; large hydroelectric ball, the runner blade servomotor sealing system; nuclear power plant two pump bearings, new nuclear power main pump three seals , special fasteners and other high reliability of nuclear power will be the future focus of support.