As the world's largest producer of the tower crane, tower crane, not only in our country has achieved good sales results, the tower
overhead gantry crane rental market has been the development and prosperity. Especially in the last year of construction machinery industry downturn, the loan market has not been affected, the gradual recovery of the industry in the current context, our tower crane rental market is extremely strong.
Statistics show that as early as 2002, China is the world's first tower crane annual production exceeded 1 million units Country, to become the world's largest producer of the tower crane. At present, China's output of enterprises tower crane construction not only meet the domestic demand, but also are exported to Europe, America and other developed countries and regions. As of the end of September 2011, total exports of tower
hoist gantry crane 1703, with a total amount of $ 240 million.
Tower crane industry benefited from the development of successive adjustments of domestic economic growth, and this context large infrastructure continue to be launched, including rail transportation, building construction, energy and water conservation, and so many aspects of engineering. And this year, the country's urbanization gradually expand and accelerate the development, the development of the tower crane gave another massive new blue ocean. Can be said that China tower crane market prospects, are long-term bullish.
It is particularly worth mentioning is that, even in the last year, China's construction machinery industry is facing negative growth, the tower crane market has managed to avoid this fate. This is mainly because of the tower crane market structure of the credit, because the price is usually higher, largely hindered ability to buy small needs, these needs have been met through leasing instead, making China tower crane market is actually made purchase and lease of two parts, but the proportion is much higher than other leasing of construction machinery products. In the slow economic recovery, funds are tight circumstances, buy tower crane market is further transformed into the rental market, so the overall market in terms of the impact on the tower crane is not large, which is the tower crane market in the context of shrinking industry in general under the unique cause.
Our tower crane rental market has been able to successfully save the tower
Steel crane industry, the main interest in the leasing industry sound system, because the tower crane tower crane rental not stop at the level of leasing, and ranging from machinery leasing, installation, use, maintenance, etc. provide high quality services in all aspects. Recommendations tower crane rental companies to increase production and hire market attention, to further improve the existing rental service industry chain, the maximum to meet customer needs, in a competitive market slice.