Over time, the supply and demand balance, oversupply, the lifting machinery industry growth rate of some growth will tend to decrease gradually into conventional rapid growth track, previously explosive supernormal growth will be difficult to achieve. Currently rely on a new growth point of change, driven by way of extension and expansion space for machinery industry growth was significantly reduced. To maintain sustained and rapid development of machinery industry, we must rely
gantry crane and other machinery to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading of the important means to achieve growth pattern of this important way.
Promote industrial restructuring and machinery industry is to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial machinery an important means of sustainable development. Specific focus on performance in the "three optimization": that is the rationalization of the industrial structure, industrial structure and industrial structure optimization of sophistication. Rationalization of industrial structure refers gantry cranes and other machinery industry the proportion of internal coordination of the industry structure, the internal structure of the industry in proportion to their respective.
Industrial Structure refers to the high-tech industry in the machinery industry, the proportion is increasing, and resource-intensive industries dominated by the structural model to the technology-intensive industries dominated structure paradigm shift.
hoist gantry crane industrial structure optimization refers manufacturing enterprises through the integration of resources, combining other ways to enhance the degree of concentration in order to enhance the international competitiveness of the market.
Present, China has gradually entered the middle stage of industrialization process, in this case, if it continues to rely on putting in a lot of factors of production, with the extensive mode of growth to boost economic growth, will result in enormous waste of resources, leading to a shortage of resources, unsustainable growth in the machinery industry. Meanwhile, when the gantry cranes and other factors of production inputs to achieve a given level of technology to increase economies of scale after the next, if it continues to increase investment, can only lead to diminishing returns to scale, with high input, low output, high consumption and low efficiency of the situation . Therefore, the machinery industry will need to over-dependence on fixed asset investment and export-led growth model for the extensive growth mode transformation rely on domestic demand to expand and upgrade the structure of demand driven, relying on scientific and technological progress and improve the efficient use of inputs, focusing on resource conservation, environmental protection intensive growth.