santo gantry crane


Crane safety working conditions

To ensure the safety of the crane work,  bridge crane  design should meet the following three basic requirements:

First, the metal structure and mechanical parts should have sufficient strength, stiffness and flexural capability.

First asked Crane parts and metal structures under load does not destroy, that is to meet the strength requirements. Static strength calculation is the most basic calculations. Stresses the importance of general circulation or fewer parts, only for static strength calculation. Parts or components subjected to cyclic stresses, in addition to fatigue calculation, but also should be the peak load for static strength calculation. For complex stress state and other parts of wire rope, in order to simplify the calculation, usually only by major load, mainly deformed shape, a higher safety factor for static strength calculation.

But alone is not always guaranteed to work damage, such as by an excessive load deformation member will also affect the normal operation. Therefore, you must also request loads, components produced by deformation should be within the allowable range, that with proper rigidity.

Slender rod suddenly bent or pressed steel structures localized buckling in statically determinate structures may result in variable geometry structure. Its original equilibrium state becomes unstable equilibrium, so that the failure of structural parts and components, it will also result in the destruction of the  hoist gantry crane ,  thus satisfying the requirement to meet the stability is also very important.

Second, the machine must have the necessary stability against overturning.

Third, the former winter has to meet the requirements of the job performance power brakes provide the necessary braking torque.

Determine the characteristics of the crane's work load randomness, while the  bridge gantry crane  is used in deterministic approach, so for complex changes in actual load, only with simple theoretical calculations and experiments and experiences combined calculation to determine by knowledge thus obtained approximate actual load, often called load calculation.

